Migrate from SNAP1.0/2.0

Data width change

The AXI data port width of OC-Accel is 1024bit. But the actions developed in SNAP (CAPI1.0/2.0) use 512b.

Please select 512b in Kconfig Menu. Then a dwidth_converter will be inserted automatically.


All of the AXI4 features in SNAP are supported by OC-Accel, and it has added more. Read OC-Accel AXI4 feature list for more details.

Clock frequency

The default clock frequency in SNAP (CAPI1.0/2.0) was 250MHz. There was no asynchronous logic between capi2-bsp, snap_core and action_wrapper so the frequency had to be adjusted together.

The default clock frequency for action_wrapper in OC-Accel is 200MHz. Asynchronous clocks have been designed for oc-bip, snap_core and action_wrapper so the clock frequency can be adjusted more flexibly for each part. See Clock domains.

Library name

SNAP (CAPI1.0/2.0) OC-Accel (OpenCAPI3.0)
libcxl libocxl
libsnap libosnap

Included headers

Many headers have changed from "snap" to "osnap" to avoid conflicts.

SNAP (CAPI1.0/2.0) OC-Accel (OpenCAPI3.0)
snap_types.h osnap_types.h
snap_tools.h osnap_tools.h
snap_queue.h osnap_queue.h
snap_internal.h osnap_internal.h
snap_hls_if.h osnap_hls_if.h
snap_m_regs.h osnap_global_regs.h
snap_s_regs.h N/A
snap_regs.h N/A
libsnap.h libosnap.h

There is a big change of the Register Map. OC-Accel has simplified and enlarged the Register Layout.

API changes

The APIs to operate registers have been renamed to clarify it is action region or global region. | SNAP (CAPI1.0/2.0) | OC-Accel (OpenCAPI3.0) | | --- | --- | | snap_mmio_read32() | snap_action_read32() | | snap_mmio_write32() | snap_action_write32() | | snap_mmio_read64() | snap_global_read64()| | snap_mmio_write64()| snap_global_write64() |

The API changes also reflect the Register map changes.


In SNAP (CAPI1.0/2.0), it has implemented a group of function pointers for CPU to emulate the FPGA action, aka "software action". It is enabled when setting SNAP_CONFIG=CPU:

/* Software version of the lowlevel functions */
static struct snap_funcs software_funcs = {
    .card_alloc_dev = sw_card_alloc_dev,
    .attach_action = sw_attach_action, /* attach Action */
    .detach_action = sw_detach_action, /* detach Action */
    .mmio_write32 = sw_mmio_write32,
    .mmio_read32 = sw_mmio_read32,
    .mmio_write64 = sw_mmio_write64,
    .mmio_read64 = sw_mmio_read64,
    .card_free = sw_card_free,
    .card_ioctl = sw_card_ioctl,

These functions have been removed. The original purpose of SNAP_CONFIG=CPU was to provide a way to fall back to software execution when FPGA is not available. However, this actually can be easily done by higher level of application control, for example:

if (!snap_card_alloc_dev()) //Failed to open FPGA card

So there is no need to rewrite the original software function at all.

The corresponding concept is SNAP_CONFIG=FPGA and it becomes the ONLY working mode in OC-Accel. So the variable SNAP_CONFIG has been deleted.

Open the card

OpenCAPI device name is slightly different compared to SNAP1/2.

// Allocate the card that will be used
if(card_no == 0)
    snprintf(device, sizeof(device)-1, "IBM,oc-snap");
    snprintf(device, sizeof(device)-1, "/dev/ocxl/IBM,oc-snap.000%d:00:00.1.0", card_no);

card = snap_card_alloc_dev(device, SNAP_VENDOR_ID_IBM, SNAP_DEVICE_ID_SNAP);

Use interrupt

When action_irq=1, please pay attention to following:

  • snap_action_flag_t action_irq = SNAP_ACTION_DONE_IRQ;
  • Add a step to set irq handle:
    snap_action_assign_irq(action, ACTION_IRQ_SRC_LO);



These changes are only for HLS Actions

Action types convention

0x1014 is IBM's reference, action's IDs begining with a 2 (eg 0x10142002 are conventionnaly HDL like actions (where actions is described with hardware design languages), while those with a 3 (eg 0x10143008) are HLS like (actions are described using HLS tool)

SNAP Application modificications

In actions/<hls_xxx>/include/xxx.h, define your ACTION_TYPE and RELEASE_LEVEL as following:

// ------------ MUST READ -----------
// ACTION_TYPE and RELEASE_LEVEL are automatically handled. 
// 1. Define them in header file (here), use HEX 32bits numbers
// 2. They will be extracted by hardware/setup/patch_version.sh
// 3. And put into snap_global_vars.v
// 4. Used by hardware/hls/action_wrapper.v
#define ACTION_TYPE               0x10143008
#define RELEASE_LEVEL             0x00000022
// For snap_maint, Action descriptions are decoded with the help of software/tools/snap_actions.h
// Please modify this file so snap_maint can recognize this action.
// ------------ MUST READ -----------

In actions/<hls_xxx>/sw/xxx.c when using snap_attach_action, just use ACTION_TYPE:

action = snap_attach_action(card, ACTION_TYPE, action_irq, 60);

And in actions/<hls_xxx>/hw/xxx.cpp:

  • Remove action_RO_config_reg *Action_Config. It was only used to handle ACTION_TYPE and RELEASE_LEVEL and they are not needed anymore.
  • Remove following:
#pragma HLS DATA_PACK variable=Action_Config
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=Action_Config bundle=ctrl_reg      offset=0x010
  • Replace following:
        switch (Action_Register->Control.flags) {
        case 0:
            Action_Config->action_type   = (snapu32_t) CHECKSUM_ACTION_TYPE;
            Action_Config->release_level = (snapu32_t) RELEASE_LEVEL;
            Action_Register->Control.Retc = (snapu32_t)0xe00f;
            Action_Register->Control.Retc = (snapu32_t)0x0;

to simply call
