Code location:
Code can be found at:https://github.com/OpenCAPI/oc-accel/blob/master/actions/hls_hbm_memcopy_1024/
This is an action using HLS, 1024b and HBM memory found on fpga used on cards like OC-9Hx. 1024b is the optimum configuration as P9 OpenCAPI uses a 1024 bits wide bus.
It can be checked in action/Kconfig file that the ACTION_HALF_WIDTH bloc is not used for this example, so the interface uses the OpenCAPI 1024 bit bus.
Note on HBM usage in OC-ACCEL:
OC-9H3 and OC-9H7 cards for example each contain 8GB of HBM reachable through up to 32 AXI buses connected to 256MB HBM memories. The test done here exercises only 1 HBM.
As all these HBM can be accessed independently in parallel, this means that the overall throughout of the 8GB of HBM can be multiplied by 32.
The HBM can also be configured in different manners (One 8GB HBM, multiple access to 256MB modules,...).
The default choice in Kconfig menu is 12 HBM memories set in parallel. Reducing to 1 memory can easily be done by modifying at the same time:
- in the Kconfig menu
- in the hls_hbm_memcopy_1024.cpp code changing the parameter #define HBM_AXI_IF_NB to 1.
Bandwidth Evaluation Test
This generic test can be also used to evaluate the throughput to/from FPGA and LCL memories (local can be DDR or HBM depending on cards used).
It reports bandwidth of:
- Host -> FPGA_RAM
- FPGA_RAM -> Host
Example on IC922 with a OC-AD9H3 card:
$ cd actions/hls_hbm_memcopy_1024/tests
$ sudo ./hw_throughput_test.sh -dINCR
| OC-Accel hls_hbm_memcopy_1024 Throughput (MBytes/s) |
512 0.739 0.742 0.741 9.481
1024 17.965 18.963 1.488 1.482
2048 2.955 2.934 2.968 3.012
4096 5.945 5.885 5.902 5.911
8192 11.924 11.907 11.703 148.945
16384 292.571 292.571 227.556 23.406
32768 46.612 47.080 46.217 555.390
65536 897.753 1110.780 1024.000 101.292
131072 186.447 185.918 185.918 199.805
262144 403.298 366.635 359.594 2759.411
524288 6393.756 5825.422 673.892 682.667
1048576 1396.240 7231.559 1216.445 1299.351
2097152 12409.183 8774.695 5475.593 5282.499
4194304 4832.147 4185.932 2166.479 2075.361
8388608 4639.717 4269.012 3063.772 4080.062
16777216 10343.536 9805.503 5027.634 4178.634
33554432 10485.760 10277.008 5053.378 4919.283
67108864 13166.346 13560.086 5627.106 5445.822
134217728 15080.644 16192.270 5969.477 5760.912
268435456 16460.354 17956.750 6062.776 5929.392
536870912 17014.893 19000.917
1073741824 17391.630 19322.677
Test OK
To get the best results, it may be useful to ensure you have the ocapi link attached to the core where the program is executed. If you have 2 nodes (check with numactl -s), you can try the 4 following combinations:
sudo numactl -m0 -N0 ./oc-accel/actions/hls_hbm_memcopy_1024/tests/hw_throughput_test.sh -d INCR
sudo numactl -m8 -N0 ./oc-accel/actions/hls_hbm_memcopy_1024/tests/hw_throughput_test.sh -d INCR
sudo numactl -m0 -N8 ./oc-accel/actions/hls_hbm_memcopy_1024/tests/hw_throughput_test.sh -d INCR
sudo numactl -m8 -N8 ./oc-accel/actions/hls_hbm_memcopy_1024/tests/hw_throughput_test.sh -d INCR
"-m" stands for memory: allocate selected memory from nodes
"-N" stands for nodes: execute command on the CPUs of selected nodes