Code location:
Code can be found at:https://github.com/OpenCAPI/oc-accel/blob/master/actions/hls_decimal_mult/
In short:
This example provides a simple base allowing to discover how to exchange single precision floating points (float) or double precision floating points (double) between the application on server and the action in the FPGA.
C code is multiplying 3 decimal numbers read from host memory and writing result in host memory code can be executed on the CPU (application + software action) code can be simulated (application + software and hardware action) code can then run in hardware when the FPGA is programmed (application + software and hardware action)
The example code shows the following:
- Application writes floats or doubles to system host memory and read results to display and compares results processed and expected
- Software or hardware action reads floats or doubles from system memory, multiply decimals 3 by 3 and write the results back in memory.
- The key point here is for the FPGA to understand the data read from the host memory and formatted by the server Operating System.
- The code shows the conversion to be done so that the number read can be used as a float or double in HLS code.
- As an example it is important to understand that 4.5 is represented in host memory differently depending on the type used: as a double as 0x4012_0000_0000_0000 as a float as 0x4090_0000.
./snap_decimal_mult -n12 -v
Application calls the hardware action and multiply 12 values 3 by 3. Dumps of data displayed
SNAP_CONFIG=CPU ./snap_decimal_mult #Application calls the software action
SNAP_TRACE=0xF ./snap_decimal_mult #to display all MMIO exchanged between application and action
./../tests/hw_test.sh #to execute automatic testing
arguments in command line:
-n [value] defines the number of decimals to process (lower or equal than MAX_NB_OF_DECIMAL_READ)
-w writes to files the result processed by the action (dec_mult_action.bin) and the expected results (dec_mult_ref.bin). Used for automatic testing.
-v verbose mode which will display a dump of the inputs and results from host memory parameters in include/common_decimal.h: #define MAX_NB_OF_DECIMAL_READ 16 defines the maximum number of decimals to read typedef float mat_elmt_t; definse the type used: float or double
Files used:
| Makefile General Makefile used to automatically prepare the final files
| README.md Documentation file for this example
├───sw Software directory containing application called from POWER host and software action
| snap_decimal_mult.c APPLICATION which calls the software or the hardware action depending on the flag used
| (use SNAP_CONFIG=CPU to call software action and SNAP_CONFIG=FPGA or nothing to call hardware action)
| action_decimal_mult.c SOFTWARE ACTION which will be executed on the CPU only
| Makefile Makefile to compile the software files
├───include Common directory to sw and hw
| common_decimal.h COMMON HEADER file used by the application and the software/hardware action.
| (It contains the main structure and the defines parameters)
├───hw Hardware directory containing the hardware action
| action_decimal_mult.cpp HARDWARE ACTION which will be executed on FPGA and is called by the application
| action_decimal_mult.H header file containing hardware action parameters
| Makefile Makefile to compile the hardware action using Vivado HLS synthesizer
└───tests Test directory containing all automated tests
hw_test.sh Basic test shell running snap_decimal_mult application